
“I won gold in San Diego at the World Championships. I think the best part was that the boys were there, I wanted to win for them and to make them proud. They’d been through so much with me and I wanted to show them that, anything is possible.”

Mother’s Day 2021

Sunday May 9

A mother to three boys on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, Sam’s life was changed dramatically in a split second, when an accident on a family holiday in Thailand left her paraplegic.

Proving a limitless self-determination, Sam has since represented Australia in paracanoeing and surfing in multiple world championship competitions.

Her life and story has been transformed into a film starring Naomi Watts, titled Penguin Bloom.

What does motherhood mean to you?

Motherhood means everything to me. I love being a mum. I would not change it for the world, I love hanging out with the boys.

What skills or qualities have you developed since becoming a mother?

I’ve developed a lot more patience, which think you need to have to have a lot of when you have kids, to put up with the tantrums and the craziness.

Also, compassion, empathy and I think you have to be encouraging. Because everyone makes mistakes and it's okay to fail. I think it's important to show them, yes, it's okay to fail, but it’s equally important to never give up.

What does ”time” mean to you now, since motherhood?

Definitely when they were younger, you have no free time to for yourself. So, that's pretty challenging.

I do think you need some time on your own, just to be able to look after yourself as well.

What’s some of the hardest and easiest parts of being a mum?

I guess the hardest is when they are driving you crazy and you clearly can't escape it, especially when they were babies. You know, when you don't get any sleep. You have to look after them 24/7, so yes, it's tiring. The most rewarding thing is seeing them grow up and hanging out with them, doing things together – having fun.

What big life lessons or skills have you imparted on them?

Respect; we always want them to be polite, considerate, compassionate and have empathy because you never know what people are going through. And to be kind... It's nice to be nice – that's what we always say.

“...I think you have to be encouraging. Because everyone makes mistakes and it's okay to fail. I think it’s important to show them, yes, it’s okay to fail, but it’s equally important to never give up.”

Did you always know you’d be a mum to boys?

I was so stoked that I had three boys because I've always been a tomboy. I always loved skateboards and surfing and you know, boy kind of things. So yes, it is perfect that I had three boys.

Who is Sam Bloom besides a loving mother?

I’m pretty determined, and competitive. I like being pushed, if you know what I mean. If I'm in a gym I like to be physically challenged. Also, I think I'm pretty patient – hopefully a nice person!

Since becoming paraplegic, you’ve become a professional athlete in canoeing and surfing. What made you want to get back into the water after your accident?

I remember when I was in rehab, I'd complain "I can't surf anymore, I can't mountain bike, I can't play soccer." That's when I said to a sports recreational officer in rehab ‘maybe I could kayak?’ because I thought it's something a bit different and I'm not in the wheelchair, so that’s how that all started.

I've always surfed and then after the accident, I remember I was with my first son, and we were up at one of the local beaches. One of our friends was out in the surf on his board and he was like, “come on, Sam. Get on, get on!” I had avoided it for so long but I finally got back on a board and I'm so stoked I did, because I love it. I get to surf with Noah (my middle son) again, which is amazing.

I also love competing. I won gold in San Diego at the World Championships in 2018. I think the best part was that the boys were there, and I wanted to win for them, to make them proud. They'd been through so much with me and I wanted to show them that anything is possible.

Sam wears Check Overshirt, Drop Shoulder Long Sleeve Top, Mya Jean and Lara Sneakers.

A film about your life has been released – Penguin Bloom starring Naomi Watts. What was that like, seeing your life portrayed on the silver screen?

It's pretty amazing and confronting. There’s this one scene in particular and it gets me every time, because I remember it so vividly.

It’s one night when Olly (he’s our baby) was sick, and he was yelling after Cam (my husband) and not me. Gosh, you know before I’d do everything for Olly – everything and after the accident, I couldn't be there for him. So, yeah, I struggle with that. I just remember Cam jumped up to see if he was okay and I remember feeling like the worst mum in the world.

What do you want people to take away from the film after watching it?

It’s a story of hope, love and family and the power of nature. You know, it's pretty healing. The main thing for me is family.

Sam wears Check Overshirt, Drop Shoulder Long Sleeve Top, Mya Jean and Lara Sneakers.

You now work with the charity Wings For Life, tell us a bit about them?

Well every year they have an event called the Wings for Life World Run to raise money for spinal cord injury research with 100% of the money raised going to the research.

It's really unique because all around the world, everybody starts the race at the same time. Here, for example, we start the run at 9 o'clock at night, in New York they would be starting at 8am in the morning.

It would be amazing if they could find a cure. It breaks my heart because I've had kids, I've done a lot of traveling and up until the accident I’d done everything I wanted to do. You meet these young ones – 17-year old’s – and you think, it's not fair, their life is just starting.

The sooner they can find a cure and get these young ones up and living the life that they should have been living, the better.

Lastly, what’s next for you?

I want to compete again in surfing, though I don't know when that's going to happen. I would love to become a three time World Champion so I’ve been working towards that. I’ve also been doing a fair bit of keynote speaking, sharing my story with others, which I really enjoy.

Sam wears Check Overshirt, Drop Shoulder Long Sleeve Top, Mya Jean and Lara Sneakers.

“It’s a story of hope, love and family and the power of nature. You know, it's pretty healing. The main thing for me is family.”

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Mother’s Day 2021
Sunday May 9